SpaceVision’s diverse indicators pinpoint when advertising content receives the most attention, detailing the duration and intensity of audience engagement. By tracking customer focus, the system offers immediate insights into segmented content engagement, aiding in prompt decision-making for advertising modifications or creative enhancements.
Place various advertising concepts in the hands of SpaceVision’s ad solution. The system automatically adjusts the exposure frequency of each concept based on customer attention, thus maximizing ad effectiveness. This strategy goes beyond mere attention metrics, incorporating customized ad campaigns based on different strategies, such as altering ad concepts to suit the gender distribution at the signage location.
SpaceVision’s AI technology provides a detailed view of customer movement, including demographic information like age and gender, location duration, behavior in specific areas, and inferred interests based on content engagement. This transforms space analysis from just a data gathering tool into a strategic medium for customer interaction.
In retail settings, customer actions such as the time spent in specific areas, attentive product observation, and payment activities are categorized as conversion actions. These actions are analyzed along with various online and offline data.